I am very new to graphic novels. I have heard of them, but have never taken the time out to read one. Now that they are becoming so popular among children I think it is important that I read a few graphic novels. Owly is a series of graphic novels that begin in 2009 by Andy Runton. All of the Owly novels that I have seen are wordless. At first I was a little frustrated that there were not any words. I found myself quickly skimming through the pictures. I then went back through the book and made up my own story. After i finessed the books i decided that the story could have went differntly, so I went back though it and though of other ideas that each pictures could have been saying. I think that Owly is a very cute character that I began to fall in love with. The pictures of the books are very detailed. I thought it was interesting that in some of the thought bubbles there question marks and exclamation marks with no words to help the reader understand what the picture was saying. I liked how Owly's facial expressions changed throughout the book which also helped play a role in what could be going on in each picture. I had a good first experience with graphic novels and I am glad I had the opportunity to read one.
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