This is one of my all time favorite children's books about a young boy who has a very messy room. His mom tells him to clean his because it is a pigsty. The next time he goes into his room there are actually pigs in his room. At first the boy likes the pigs, but then they start ruining his things, so he get rid of them. I live the very first page because the first word id Monday and the illustrator used a sock to create the letter M. I really like how the sock look s real. There are many other images that seem real in the book. For example, on one page there is a train and the illustrator made the train look like it was driving off the page. I enjoyed how the one some pages the pictured would take up the whole page, but on on other pages there would be some white space. I will always love this book. I think the story is great and so are the pictures.
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