I have to say that I have really enjoyed Children's Lit Class. I am so glad I had the opportunity to take part in making a blog. It has been fun to blog every week and read my classmates blogs as well. I am glad I did not have to physically turn in book reflections ever week.I liked how some weeks we had requirements for the types of books that we were supposed to read and other weeks we had a choice. It is so neat that I will be able to use my blog as a resource for my future classroom. My favorite project in the class was the glog. I like learning about new technology because I know that it is going to play a huge role in my future classroom. I think that the author/illustrator glogs would be a good way to introduce a new unit to my students. The books that were chose as required text for the class were also very good. I enjoyed reading every one of them. I liked how we had in depth discussions about each book as small groups during class time along with large group discussions. Most importantly, throughout the semester I have learned a lot about children literature. I now have a much better knowledge about the types of literature that is available to students and I am very excited to put into play what I have learned from this class. Overall, I have really enjoyed this class and I am glad I had the opportunity to take it!
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