So Far From the Bamboo Grove is a very neat story. I had some trouble at first getting my mind set around the right time period of the book. After I read the first couple of chapter I was able to picture the time period more and I was able to create a better mental image of the characters that had been introduced. One great aspects about the story is that it is told from the view point of a Japanese girl that is dealing with many aspects of World War II that any girl her age would have a very difficult time dealing with. Some of the harsh things that the characters such as Yoko had to deal are very hard for me to imagine. I felt a lot of sympathy for Yoko through the whole book. The many crazy situations that she encounters makes her a very strong and smart individual which I gained a lot of respect for as I read the book. The main theme that I gathered from this book was family. Family played a large role in this book. Family is what kept everyone together through all of their hardships. The family had to pull together for survival. I have some heard some debate about whether or not this book should be in classroom. There are people who believe that this book is too harsh from children and other people who think that students will create wrongful images about Korean and Japan. I think this is a great book to have in a classroom. It has a great story and I think the author is very honest and expresses her thoughts with a lot of heart through the whole book. This is a book that I would read again and a book that I would want in my classroom.